Tetangco, Amando.

The reconciliation of foreign transaction statistics : national accounts and balance of payments / - p.87-110 - Vol. 10 No. 2 Second Sem 1983 .

NEDA-PIDS Seminar-Workshop on the Philippine System of National Accounts

This paper examines foreign transactions as they are recorded in the national accounts and the balance of payments statements. While it is recognized that the two statements have quite different uses, it may be desirable to have a certain amount of consistency, not necessarily complete identity, between these two highly interrelated fields of economic accounts. This would simplify the task of compilation and better enable users to compare the two statements. The recording of national accounts and balance of payments data in the Philippines has been greatly improved, and increased consistency has been achieved over the years. The objective is not to generate identical statements but to a practicable extent without losing the analytical usefulness of the statements

Balance of payments
Statistics - National accounts
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