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- Results of search for 'su:"Food prices" and au:Magno, Romina C. and itype:ART and au:Magno, Romina C. and au:Magno, Romina C. and su-to:General Algebraic Modelling System GAMS and itype:ART and au:Magno, Romina C. and su-to:General Algebraic Modelling System GAMS and au:Magno, Romina C. and su-to:Spatial-temporal price allocation STPA and su-to:International food prices and su-to:General Algebraic Modelling System GAMS and su-to:International food prices and su-to:Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations and su-to:International food prices and su-to:International food prices and su-to:Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations'